
134 months ago

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Dirt riding for fun and fitness

Ontario, Canada

I've always loved dirt riding. For me, it's just about the biggest adrenaline rush you can have on a bike. I also believe it's great exercise and it makes you a better street rider. Just ask Hayden, Stoner or any of the other pro racers - most of them started out on dirt.

But it's been a while since I've been out on my dirt bike. Aside from just recently in the Ganraska with @nick303,I don't think I've hit dirt in two years. Two years ago, I couldn't ride due to injuries. Last year, I raced track, and besides, I sold my pickup truck and couldn't move the bike around. This year, I'm realizing I'm horribly out of shape and the best workout is only a KTM away.

Now that I bought a trailer it's all changing...

The new ESR trailer gets it's first run out

The new ESR trailer gets it's first run out

We're up at the cottage for the next couple of weeks and there's some amazing dirt up here. Just behind my house is a short trail - maybe 10km in each direction - that I love. It's pretty technical but I know it reasonably well. Best of all, it's less than 10 minutes from my front door.

Dirt Bike Fitness Plan Day 1 of 10

My plan is this: Every day, I'm going to be out there dirt riding for about an hour. That's just about enough time to do the dirt loop down and back. I figure an hour a day of dirt bike riding (as cardio) and I should be somewhat fitter both as a person and a rider by the end of next week.


Yesterday was day 1 of my 10 day dirtbike fiteness plan and I had a blast. Initially, I was nervous about being out alone. Yes, you should always ride trails in pairs. While normally I'd agree, there's no-one else up here right now to ride with, and besides, I feel I know the trail well. I'm pretty well ATGATT even out here and most importantly, I've got CrashLight.

CrashLight is a premium feature that runs on the EatSleepRIDE Mobile App(currently for iPhone, working on Android). The technology automatically detects a motorcycle crash and notifies pre-set contacts of my last known geo- location. So I feel safe riding alone. Using the EatSleepRIDE App, I've also shared my location with my group which today is my wife. She can see my exact location privately on the map using the App. Should something go wrong, she'll know and hopefull come and get me out!

My ride data on Crashlight - can you see where I went off-road?

My ride data on Crashlight - can you see where I went off-road?

Suiting up to ride the trails

Suiting up to ride the trails

**Climbing Rocks KTM Style **

It does seem to have gotten a little wilder since the last time I rode it. The water is deeper and there seem to be a lot more rocks, but it's still within the realms of my slow riding style.

Rock climbing, KTM style

Rock climbing, KTM style

The ride itself was just superb. The 450, despite a couple of years neglect, performed amazingly well. Sure, the brakes are a little soft and I think the rubber could be replaced, but it's nothing a little love can't fix. I'll do a bleed and a rad flush later this week. The tires can wait as there's still plenty of grip.

KTM 450EXC - Another good day's trail riding

KTM 450EXC - Another good day's trail riding

The worst part of the ride was the way back on the road. I sweat so much, beads of my bodily fluids were running down my face and turning to salty-spray as I made my way home.

I'm tired as I get back, and the beer goes down far too easily. I could get used to this cottage life riding.

Drying my gear off - there's nothing worse than sweaty dirt riding gear

Drying my gear off - there's nothing worse than sweaty dirt riding gear

 Enjoy the ride.

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3 months ago

Welcome to the party of my life here you will learn everything about me. Personal trainer Altamonte Springs FL


134 months ago

Good stuff @alex! Look forward to getting back out there with you soon.