
132 months ago

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Do As I Say... How Not To Text While Operating A Motorcycle

Last week in the Phoenix Arizona area, a 14-year veteran Officer of the Temple Police was caught on camera doing 80 mph while texting. When the story broke, Temple PD kept the name of the officer secret, however due to pressure he was later identified as Heith Fink. He was subsequently "disciplined". He should have been stripped of his license.

Motorcycle Cop Caught Texting -Temple, Arizona

Motorcycle Cop Caught Texting -Temple, Arizona

Motorcycle Cop Caught Texting

Motorcycle Cop Caught Texting

Distracted driving is a huge problem. It's as dangerous as drunk driving and everyone is guilty of it. People routinely tune the radio, reach for stuff in the back seat, send text messages, talk on the phone or engage in a plethora of distracting acts while driving and think nothing of it. Texting while operating a motorcycle or any other vehicle kills people and causes crashes.

Texting blamed for motorcycle crash

Texting blamed for motorcycle crash

Texting blamed for another crash

Texting blamed for another crash

More often than not, it's car drivers who are guilty of causing harm to motorcycle riders whilst under the influence of text. However, from time to time, a motorcycle enthusiast is spotted doing the same. Here's a collection of the most notable motorbike texters.

Ducati Monster rider lost his license for texting on Sydney's M2

Ducati Monster rider lost his license for texting on Sydney's M2

While standing backwards on a motorbike

While standing backwards on a motorbike

While Lying Down

While Lying Down

Vstrom rider texting

Vstrom rider texting

Harley rider texting

Harley rider texting

Texting crash waiting to happen

Texting crash waiting to happen

CHIPS says, just say no to texting

CHIPS says, just say no to texting

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132 months ago

The texting cop should be fired and have his license revoked. Shouldn't he be submitted to the same consequences as any other rider would?


132 months ago

That people actually do this is ridiculous.