
150 months ago

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EatSleepRIDE is going mobile - Log your ride, see your data, get feedback, ride better

EatSleepRIDE Mobile App for iPhone

EatSleepRIDE Mobile App for iPhone

EatSleepRIDE mobile for iPhone - here's your chance to try it.

The EatSleepRIDE mobile app is specifically designed for motorcycle riders by riders. You'll be able to record your ride, your speed and lean angle and other really exciting stuff designed to make you a better, safer [and if you so desire] a faster rider.

The iPhone app will automatically detect a motorcycle accident and notify pre- determined contacts of the rider's geographical location and send help.

Deadline to try it out is Tuesday, February 6th, 2012?

It's free to use and doesn't require a data plan. Simply download the app, turn it on, put it in your pocket and record your ride. We'll use the data you provide to understand how to:

  1. To chart the ride ride, and

  2. To detect what happens in a motorcycle drop or wipeout

Still interested? What do you need you to do?

We don't actually need you to do much. Simply follow a link to download the iPhone application. Launch the app before you go for a ride, put it in your pocket and enjoy the ride. When you're done, stop recording and send us the data at some stage. It's that easy.

There is no cost and no data plan is required

The app will NOT use up or suck any amount out of your data plan, but it might use a lot of battery power so make sure you're charged up! Email us your ride when you stop recording or when you hit a free WiFi spot. The data collected is simply a CSV file and is reasonably small (a two-hour ride will be about 325KB).

What's in it for you?

You will get a free copy of the iPhone app when it comes out. For those of you that send in the most motorcycle rides, we'll also put your name in lights somewhere too.

We won't lie: We don't have much to give you in return other than the satisfaction of knowing that you're helping build something cool and interesting and maybe - one day - help save someone's life.


An iPhone 3GS, 4 or 4S running iOS 4.1 or later.


The EatSleepRIDE mobile app is not available in the iTunes store, yet, so simply send us your iPhone UDID (Unique Device Identifier) and we'll provision your devise to download it.

It's easy - find your UDID here:

Send your UDID to - I'll send you the install link and voila.

A sincere thank you from all of us. Happy new year and enjoy the ride!

Not convinced? Check out this post for more info on how the ESR mobile test harness works.


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149 months ago

@strahan, don't think I got the email. Any chance you can resend?


149 months ago

Sent email with details. Lovely summer here in tasmania so plenty of riding to be done!


150 months ago

I was involved in the early process of an iOS development, so I feel your pain.


150 months ago

@Max @alexp206 We will create an Android version at some point but we're a very small team and just creating the iOS version is keeping us busy. Will keep you posted


150 months ago

%2B1 on the Android version. I like to be able to pick which flavor Kool-Aid to drink.


150 months ago

Either give me an iPhone or make and Android version and I'll give it a go ๐Ÿ™‚


150 months ago

That was fast. Wish I could help but looks like I'm done riding for winter.