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Electric Car vs. Car with a Petrol Engine



Once Nikolo Tesla said: "I do not work anymore for the present, I work for the future." And his scientific inventions were useful to a new generation of scientists. The future has already come! And even recently it was difficult to imagine even that a modern high-speed car could be charged with the help of electric power and not release harmful fuels into the atmosphere. Let's discuss the main points of using electric cars and cars with ICE. Who has more pros and cons?  Which will help to save the Earth for the future life of our children and grandchildren?

Machines with ICE: main features

  • They have a lower price, in comparison with electric vehicles, and the vehicle companies promise to reduce the cost of irrelevant and outdated models;
  • There are a huge selection of cars, the presence of a variety of additional functions and devices;
  • Moreover, it exists an established network of gas stations around the world, which allows you to choose the place of purchase of fuel;
  • However, cars require huge high costs for fuel and oil fillings;
  • And, the great disadvantage is that motor vehicles with an internal combustion engine are considered one of the world's major polluters. Although, partly that problem can be solved.  Diesel exhaust systems will effectively reduce the harmful influence of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbons (HC) and Particulate Matter (PM) exhaust pollutants. In 1980, particulate filter diesel was invented and since that time companies continue improving this invention. Most of those filters remain available in their original designs. All of them are designed according to EPA standards in the United States of America and Emission standards in effect in Canada for passenger and commercial vehicle.

Electric Vehicles: Main Features

  • They have greater energy savings than in cars with ICE, which became possible due to the use of ultra modern electric motors;
  • The price for electric energy is lower than for petroleum products. Filling an electric car for a run of 100km is several times cheaper than for a gasoline engine;
  • Free access to charging stations and devices equipped with cafes, restaurants, parking lots, etc. For many enterprises, the owner of an electric vehicle is a loyal customer, who is always greeted with great pleasure. We also note that the number of places where you can recharge your car in our country is constantly growing;
  • One more advantage is a simplicity of maintenance, which is carried out once for 30 thousand km. An important difference of electric vehicles is low wear of parts and a few consumables;
  • A high cost of a vehicle with low energy consumption and a huge potential for autonomy.

You can feel the whole advantage of electric cars by renting some of them.

As you can see, the duel with a big advantage was won by an electric car. However, if you a fan of cars with petrol engines you should choose diesel exhaust systems. These two variants will save the future of our children and the whole planet. Let us become closer to the problems of ecology and take care of the future today.

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