
95 months ago

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Fall. The love and hate relationship.

Albert Lea, Minnesota, United States

Fall. You know? The season where it is known for trees changing color ,crisp fresh air ,pumpkin patches and clear night skies all sounds good right ....? me living in Minnesota, not so much. as motorcyclists of the North, cold weather is in the back of our minds. only so long before Mother Nature decides to literally rain (in this case snow) our parade,sending bikes into a long slumber till spring. once that happens I'll be back on my laptop watching YouTube videos of folks riding in warm weather. 😢starting to consider to move South or west just to ride all year round. must be nice! #jealous

sunset river

sunset river

awesome tree

awesome tree

an abandoned gas station

an abandoned gas station





sun setting in a little town

sun setting in a little town

again abandon gas station

again abandon gas station

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95 months ago

is that so? I thought summer was where it's at?


95 months ago

Fall is the best riding season in NC!