
128 months ago

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Feds Move Towards Making Cars Talk to Each Other

Government to require vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology in future new cars and trucks. Personally, I hope they look at making a requirement for motorcycles as well, because there are some really great examples of where this could benefit us.

Imagine if the car stopped at an intersection had this technology, and the box could determine that they are stopped with their brakes engaged. The box sends a short distance "I am here, I am stopped" message both front and back. The rear signal will help alert cars coming up to it that it is stopped so they can display a warning light as they approach from behind.

Coming from the other direction is a motorcycle with similar technology, broadcasting a "I am here, I am moving" signal. The stopped card picks that signal up, and displays a warning indicator for "hard to see object heading towards us". Inside the helmet, a HUD displays a blinking warning light about the stopped, but running car, alerting the rider to be careful.

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127 months ago

And lastly, my stereo crashes half the time when I connect my iPod to my two year old Mazda. I'm really not sure I could trust the same engineers to warn me if something is coming or not.


127 months ago

Oh, and not to mention the cost this will add to every car it's installed on.


127 months ago

I have to say, I'm with @karlfitt on this. While it's ostensibly about safety, it'll be used for something else - automated road tolls, speed ticketing, or just informing your insurance company that you're not "riding safely" enough to provide continued coverage. I'd rather see work put into providing better driver education - the standard of driving here (and in much of North America) is appalling.


128 months ago

I disagree.