135 months ago

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France: 2 Government Ministers Have Motorcycles - That's It

Najat Vallaud Belkacem

Stephane Le Foll

#France #Taxevaders - France is going through some strange voyeurism show lately, and it has nothing to do with s.e.x. After the latest tax evasion scandal, though this time it was one of the finance ministers responsible for stopping tax evaders, the current socialist government is caught like a deer in the headlights of your motorcycle; scared silly and doing things you'd expect better from a 5 year old.

To fight the illusion that politicians are not corrupt, the President of France has told all his ministers to publish on Monday what their current financial status are, including real estate, bank accounts and vehicles. It's not going to solve any perception problems, since a corrupt and tax evading politician will just not declare the off shore accounts, the same way they don't declare them in their tax forms. So a stupid and wasted political action.

But 1 interesting thing did come out of it. Now you can see who actually has a motorcycle. And there are 1 and 1/2 ministers who actually have a motorcycle:..........

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