
128 months ago

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Goodbye San Francisco, Hello Philadelphia.

revzilla philadelphia best motorcycle gear showroom united states
philadelphia pennsylvania

Yep, that's what I said. I'm invading the East Coast!

I've devoted the first 9 years of my motorcycle career to the San Francisco Bay Area. And I think the Northeast could really use my help. Luckily, I found a dream showroom at Revzilla's HQ in Philly.

Only the best women's gear lives in this showroom. Full size runs, backed up by a HUGE warehouse! I'm so excited to be able to continue what I love doing, and bonus, get paid doing it. I can't thank Anthony and his team enough for welcoming me into their group.

I'm going to be driving across in mid-late January and shoot for a February 1st start date. Or whatever date is the first Tuesday in February since the showroom is closed Sunday & Monday.

I hope to meet many of you there, come shop with me and let me show you the best brands and styles for women on the market. I forgot to take a pic of the huge boot and helmet wall as well. Revzilla values women riders and makes every effort to offer as much as they can to us.

I can't wait to start working and I hope I'll see you soon!

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