
154 months ago

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Great news: Toronto City Councillor Has Agreed to Review The Ban on Free Motorcycle Parking in Toronto

Hanoi, Guarded Motorcycle Parking

Hanoi, Guarded Motorcycle Parking

icon Motorcycle Parking in City of Westminster

icon Hanoi, Guarded Motorcycle Parking

As you may know the City of Toronto was planning a ban free parking for Motorcycles and Scooters. The proposal was made by Mike Del Grande, Toronto's City Budget Chief.

Don Peat reported the story in Tuesday's Toronto Sun: Wednesday was a big day for us, we started sharing the story among riders and emailing councillors. Well it paid off!

The vote didn't happen on Wednesdsay, Nov 30th as planed. Instead, Mike Del Grande agreed that a review was in order. As a side note: it seems like a waste of time to be voting on this at the start of winter when no new revenues will be collected anyway.

Here's a combo of all the stories for your reading enjoyment!

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132 months ago

Just curious, has the free parking issue been dug up again by city council in Toronto? A cousin of mine there is saying it goes before full council this week for acceptance or not.