
134 months ago

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Great Place to Stay at Laconia Bike Week

I know that currently all eyes are on the upcoming bike week at Sturgis to be held from August 5-11 this year but I just wanted to highlight a B&B my pals and I stayed at while attending Laconia Bike Week. The events at Laconia are pretty spread out with most happening at Weirs Beach, but some events happening in the towns around Laconia. As such, finding a place to stay that was central to many of the events but is also pleasant and comfortable for my old bones was a priority. We seemed to have hit the mark with The Lake House at Ferry Point. .





A short drive from Weirs Beach (about 12 miles), The Lake House at Ferry Point is the only lakefront bed and breakfast in New Hampshire's Lakes Region.

My riding buddy and I arrived late on a Thursday night during bike week, after enduring most of the ride from Ottawa Ontario in the rain. Needless to say we were tired, cold, and just a bit grumpy. Our hosts (James, Cindy and their lovely family) were very welcoming and made every effort to try and make us forget our wet clothes and boots, and be less grumpy. I must say - From my end

  • Cindy succeeded.

After showing us around the fabulous lobby, living room and dining room where there was 24hour coffee and tea, Cindy showed us to our room. Or should I say apartment. They had us set up in the barn - which is by no means a barn - but instead a two floor apartment set up perfectly for two single guys. There was a full and spacious bedroom with king size bed on the upper floor as well as a full bathroom with jacuzzi tub up there. On the main floor there was a full kitchen and living room, complete with fold out couch with - wait for it - a mattress that was part old school mattress (a la that Seinfeld episode) but it was also a blow up mattress with made it extremely comfortable. Upon arriving in our room and after Cindy showed us around - we were pleasantly surprised to discover that she had arranged for the fold out couch to be set up and ready to go - a very nice and welcoming touch indeed, especially considering our wet and grumpy selves.

dining room

dining room

Now I would be remiss if I didn't comment on the food at the Lake House. Our group arranged to meet up in the morning around 8:30 and we arrived to fresh coffee and orange juice to start. All of the food was spectacular and Cindy was even extremely accommodating when one of our group (ok it was me) sprung on her the fact that they were both gluten intolerant and vegetarian. Cindy jumped into action and ensured that I was able to enjoy a scrumptious breakfast. Fresh strawberries, fresh cream, cheese omelette with salsa and sour cream, french toast (even with gluten free bread for me), quiche, frittatta were just a few of the delectables that we enjoyed over the 3 days we there there.

I guess any lodging review would be remiss if it didn't include a bit on the lodgings themselves. The rooms that I was able to view were all extremely well laid out. My bed was very luxurious and my riding partner, who lost the coin toss and had to sleep on the fold out, reported that the fold out was way comfortable. Other members of our group also raved about the beds and the way their rooms were laid out.

lake house bed 2

lake house bed 2

lake house bed

lake house bed

We also spent a considerable amount of time on the porch. The porch faces the lake and had a great view and an assortment of chairs and couches to enjoy. And of course, being bike week, we had a front row seat for the great assortment of motorcycles that rode by. And, if you want to go for a dip (a few of us did) there is a nice little gazebo across the road and a bit of a beach. Great for swimming or if you like - fishing.







All in all, the lake House at Ferry Point is a great place to unwind after a day of shenanigans at Weirs Beach and points beyond. Not too far from the action, very central to some great rides, and very relaxing. Would I stay there again next year? You bet.



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134 months ago

Looks like a great place surrounded by nature.