
160 months ago

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Harley-Davidson Stock Manipulation Being Investigated

Ok, seriously H-D ... With such a loyal legion of followers of the brand, this company needs to get it's act together.

Lawyers have begun an investigation into the recent rumors that private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) was targeting Harley-Davidson for a stock takeover. Suspecting that Harley-Davidson executives breached their fiduciary responsibility to Harley-Davidson, Inc., investigators were tipped-off to potential breaches at the Milwaukee company after its stock rose by $2 ( 5%) immediately after the rumors were first published in financial reports.

Suspecting that those with a financial interest and duty to Harley-Davidson leaked the rumors to the press, and intended to artificially inflate the price of Harley-Davidson's stock, investigators are asking any current or past shareholders with information about the KKR rumors, or other takeover rumors, to bring that information to the the Shareholders Foundation. Additionally, the investigation is seeking to establish a fair market value for Harley- Davidson, in case its Board of Directors should decide to sell to another entity, to ensure that shareholders get their due.

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160 months ago

@alex Agreed!!


160 months ago

HD has been in trouble for a while. You only have to look at some of the recent blunders (closing/moving the factory, the buying and subsequent sale of MVAugusta) to realize how directionless they really are. This is just the icing on the cake. They're better off selling and getting someone else in who actually wants to run a motorcycle company