
34 months ago

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Honeymoon: Day 5

Orlando, United States

Today we rode from Savannah to St. Cloud FL where my wife surprised me at a place called Amazing Animals. This is an animal sanctuary that takes in animals that can’t live in the wild. Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve become obsessed with Capybara. I love these 150lb rodents but I’ve never seen one in person. Today I got to pet and feed them. We also got a private tour of the facility. We got to help feed their sloths too.

After that we rode over to our hotel at Universal Studios. We capped the night off with two rounds of alien and horror mini golf at Universal City Walk. It was a super long but rewarding day.

We ended the day with 367 miles and 8 long, hot hours in the saddle.

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How can you not love that face.

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Me with momma capybara and baby

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Sloths are fun!!!

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Alien mini golf

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Looks a little like a LGM???

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Haunted horror mini golf

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