
133 months ago

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How and Why Lane Splitting is Safe for Motorcycle Riders

Sanger, California, United States

How and Why Motorcycle Lane Splitting is Safe and Good - RideApart

This video does a great job of explaining why lane splitting is beneficial for motorcycle riders and actually makes the roads safer to share. One thing that I think North America has to do is look at the rest of the world where lane splitting is universally accepted in all parts of world. Another thing that i find most amazing is that of all the statistics if 10% less people drove a car there would be 40% less traffic. Of course this is predicated on the fact that lane splitting is done safely.

So remeber ride safe and laugh at all those cagers who choose to be stuck in traffic.

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96 months ago

thanks for taking the time to put this together. not as instructive or informative as i had hoped, unfortunately.


97 months ago

I don't know what I'll do if I ever have to ride a motorcycle outside of California. Makes perfect sense to lane share.


97 months ago

Lived in CA in the late 90's and lane split then. It wasn't a big deal to the cagers. You would think that after all this time, more states would allow it.


100 months ago

Couldn't agree more with these chaps! Hey America wake up! 49 states you would think now that it's 2016 we could get some legislation and laws passed to make it legal. I sometimes wish it was 1916 so that we we could do whatever we needed to do to get from point A to point B without any hassle!


133 months ago

It should be legal here, however, cagers get jealous. In the summer, you'll see riders lane split in stationary traffic. Not many - just the brave or the foolish - because it's stupid sitting in 35C+ heat in leathers breathing in car fumes. Shortly after that, you'll see a car inch over to make the gap just a little too small. Like you said, just 10%, and if you count the cars with just one person in them it's way more than 10%