city biker blog

129 months ago

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How NOT to get run over by an SUV

I was hoping that the chatter about the incident a couple of Saturdays ago on the West Side would die down, but it seems like more people are just hearing about it and wonder what I think (not that my opinion matters any more than yours, it doesn't). So here it is:

1) I think no one deserves to be run over and have both legs and spine crushed under an SUV. Unless he was pointing a gun at you and your family, basic human decency commands "thou shalt not crush people with your big ass car."
2) But considering the circumstances of the event, how many of these guys were basically acting like hoodlums (instead of just going out and enjoying their ride) it's understandable that the SUV driver freaked out. "Understandable" means I can see what went through his fear addled brain, it doesn't mean I think what he did was right.
3) I think that this motorcycle club that was involved in the incident gives sportbikers a bad name. If you though police harassed sportbikes in the past, well they now have even more reason to do so.
4) Only a complete idiot brake checks a car for being a bad driver while riding a motorcycle. Brake checking anyone is a stupid idea, but anyone who does that on a motorcycle in front of a "bad driver" might just deserve what happens to him moments later…

Anyway, that's just my opinion. I haven't watched all the videos that are out there of the people involved (some of you have). And I don't think I'm a judge in these matters… I don't really understand large groups of bikers riding out anyway - dude if you want to hang out with your friends all day, get a van… but if you want to RIDE then two or three bikes will make it out of the city faster than a couple dozen bikes going at the same time. So what you YOU think? Share the wealth in the comments section.

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