
114 months ago

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Ice Riding / Winter Trail Riding Tires

Nunavut, Canada

I finally finished my ice tires, just in time for spring! The snow may be long gone, but at least the lake, located in the foothills of the Rockies was still (mostly) frozen. I was out riding with some friends on Ghost Lake, Alberta over the weekend, the tires worked great, the grip is amazing!

Trying Out My New Ice Tires

Trying Out My New Ice Tires

Although I've ridden on ice before, it still takes a bit of time to get used to the feeling of riding on ice, and you can certainly feel the extra weight on the wheels, as they are a little reluctant to turn in at first. The tires will also be mega on the frozen trails my friends have been riding all winter, so I hope to get some more use out them this season. If not, there's always next year.

I made the tires with a couple of friends over the course of a few evenings using an old set of knobblies and a couple hundred concrete screws and nuts and following the video directions on my friends blog ( Using the the longer screws instead on the regular ice racing studs mean they are pretty effective on show and frozen trails as well. It was pretty easy, and certainly worth the effort.

They Are Very Sharp!

They Are Very Sharp!

I intend to make a 2nd set over the summer for my wife's CRF, here's the instructional video from on how to do it:

Easy DIY Studded Enduro Snow and Ice Tires

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114 months ago

Impressive. I need to learn to do this for my Suzuki 125! For some reason the video link is not working. I'll ping you to see what's up.