
134 months ago

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I'm Poncho, You're Jon

This was my first time on a police bike and if felt awesome. I especially liked all the buttons. It brought me back to watching Poncho and Jon when I was a kid in the UK.

To serve and protect - How hard can it be

To serve and protect - How hard can it be

Who didn't like Chips when they were kids? CHiPs was a lightweight action TV drama, with attempts of comedy thrown in by macho, rambunctious Officer Frank "Ponch" Poncherello and as his strait-laced partner, Officer Jonathan "Jon" Baker. Of course, Ponch was the bad boy of the pair, and Jon generally the more level-headed one. The two were Highway Patrolmen of the Central Los Angeles office of the California Highway Patrol (CHP, hence the name CHiPs).

CHiPs 1999 Movie Poster

CHiPs 1999 Movie Poster

CHiPs Poncho and Jon

CHiPs Poncho and Jon

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134 months ago

And I'm sooooo blonde...


134 months ago

I'm definitely Poncho. I've got black hair.