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Join Alex Crookes, ESR app co-founder and CTO on the #SyncRIDE

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

On Saturday, May 26, 2018, the last Saturday of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, EatSleepRIDE invites motorcyclists around the world to attempt the largest collective synchronized ride in history to demonstrate for motorcycle safety. It’s called SyncRIDE.

Alex Crookes, CTO of EatSleepRIDE has been riding for just over 20 years, and he wants to do more. Self-proclaimed moto-addict, Crookes challenges himself to go farther every year.

Join the SyncRIDE, Saturday May 26th, 2018

Alex Crookes - SyncRIDE 2018 | Sat. May 26th Powered by EatSleepRIDE

"The West Ozello trail may not be long, but it’s a challenging and fun twisty ride for anyone in Central Florida. It's a ride that I enjoyed repeating several times, not just to get the shots for the film, but because it's deserted and the kind of route that can be enjoyed over and again."

Director and series editor Nick Dunlop combines irreverence, humour and majestic landscapes to remind us of what we all know: "It's important. Make the time. Go Ride." - Alex Crookes

Drone's-eye view of the West Ozello Trail by Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE

Drone's-eye view of the West Ozello Trail by Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE

Alex enjoying a West Ozello twist with Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE

Alex enjoying a West Ozello twist with Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE

Film Credits

Featuring: Alex Crookes
Director: Nick Dunlop

Special Thanks: Andrew Pierias

SyncRIDE Motion Graphics: Rubber Pixel
Powered by EatSleepRIDE

Alex Crookes and his borrowed Thruxton with Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE

Alex Crookes and his borrowed Thruxton with Nick Dunlop for EatSleepRIDE


Kickstands up everywhere at 10AM Eastern Time. Rain or shine, on your own or with friends. It doesn't matter what you ride.

Create your own SyncRIDE. Use the ESR app to map and share your route.

Get the EatSleepRIDE Motorcycle GPS app to be officially counted-in on the ride.

Stay focused and ride safe. #syncride #watchformotorcycles #CRASHLIGHT

The Route

Open up the SUNDAY route in the EatSleepRIDE app and ride the Ozella Trail with Alex Crookes an the Triumph Thruxton.

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