
89 months ago

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journey of sumatera

East Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia

starting from jakarta to sabang (zero kilometer of indonesia)

at bukit tinggi

at bukit tinggi

one of the best spot in west sumatera..

crossing the equator at bonjol village

crossing the equator at bonjol village

at toba lake

at toba lake

the toba lake is the most largest lake in indonesia..beautiful view and very fresh air...

watefall at sibolga

watefall at sibolga

beautiful spot we can see the waterfall next to road. In these spot also there is a caves that drilled to connecting the road..

zero kilometer of indonesia

zero kilometer of indonesia

at sabang zero kilometer spot of indonesia..

lembah anai

lembah anai

there is also waterfall next to the road.. this spot area location between bukit tinggi and padang..

the zeroers kilometer

the zeroers kilometer

the crew of KZ250OI trip to km 0 sabang..

touring line

touring line

we ride almost 7 days to get the km 0 spot at sabang...

sleeping time

sleeping time

we sleep almost every where.. at gas station, Moslems praying rooms.. motel, hotel, and friends houses..

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