
94 months ago

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Keeping Traffic Moving

Fontana, United States

I am SO happy to be a rider on Friday afternoon on the north bound 15 freeway in Southern California. Anyone who has tried to climb the Cajon Pass, possibly in route to Las Vegas, knows the pain. My Waze app said 2hrs to go 45miles! So, I've gotten pretty good at the lane split. Bonus for me (& the dozen other riders before & behind me), bummer for the cattle cars. Imagine my instinct when I come up on two ladies stopped in the


1st lane, minor fender bender, standing in lanes on their cell phones. As a former ambulance emt, I am very comfortable controlling traffic and telling strangers what to do and I'm told I look very authoritative in my safety gear (pic below, makes mom happy, second to Crashlight).


I called the first lady over to me, raise my visor and order her to move her vehicle off the freeway. The 60+-year-old Asian lady begins to argue with me, and with firm resolve, I order her again. She looks me over, nods her head and says "OK sir" and climbs into her SUV. The second lady was a harder case. The 60+yr old eastern European was not letting this minor bump go (even though she was the rear car). I again repeated my command and pointed to the median. She waved me off and turned back to her phone. The guy in this large truck loaded with dirt bikes that had just pulled up next to me, leans out his window with a questioning look. I pantomime that I want them to move along. He honks his obnoxiously loud horn, startling the lady off her phone and points to me and the median. She looks back to me again and I repeat for the last time to pull off the road. She complied and I mount my beast. The truck and several others give me a thumbs up. No thanks needed fine citizens, just doing my part.


-pictures are reference, obviously I did not stop to take any.

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