
135 months ago

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Lorenzo crashes at Assen Free Practice

On Thursday, June 27th, in what can only be good news for Marquez and Pedrosa, Jorge Lorenzo has crashed out of free practice at a very wet Assen track with what appears to be a broken collarbone.

Lorenzo Assen 2013

Lorenzo Assen 2013

He apparently hit standing water on the track (so much for the inspection) and highsided at the Hoge Heige, landing heavily on his left shoulder.

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Lorenzo Assen 2013 - 2

He was taken to the Assen medical center and will likely leave for surgery in Barcelona later today.

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Lorenzo Assen 2013 - 3

No word on how long he will be out, but it's welcome news for Marquez and Pedrosa. Up until that point, Lorenzo was fastest, but an enforced period on the sidelines will allow Marquez to catch up to the man currently in second. More worryingly for Lorenzo, it could see Pedrosa's lead become unassailable. Is it finally Pedrosa's year?

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Lorenzo Assen 2013 - 4

More (including video that can't be shared) at

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