
99 months ago

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Meadow Mountain Ride

Ab, Canada


here's a video of a beautiful back country ride I did with a couple of friends from in BC. It got a little intense when the trail we were on suddenly ended, forcing us to find our own way off the mountain, but it was all good fun. This short film won a prize at the recent 9 Minute Moto Film Festival (


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95 months ago

I love it just like me


95 months ago

So cool


98 months ago

@marina @alex

The ride was pretty intense and I was riding over my comfort level for much of it, but there is a lot of great riding in the region, most of which just about anyone could ride.  Last year Sandra and I did a bike trip to the same region and camped on the same mountain, we just stayed on the easier tracks.  Although there were a couple tough moments for both of us, Sandra rode 100% of it.  We should plan a trip for next summer.  You can read about it in my previous ESR post:


98 months ago

Looks amazing!


98 months ago

Jordan, what was your experience like?


98 months ago

Jordan, Five days of riding in the Kootenays?! OMG what a crazy, beautiful landscape and terrifying ride. If you the GPX tracks you can upload the route to ESR.

@Nick303 @Alex @Teramuto @champers you guys should do this. I'll need to work up to it.