
134 months ago

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Mentally Gearing Up

Grand Bend Raceway Track Day Prep

Grand Bend Raceway Track Day Prep

Heading back to the racetrack this weekend from Friday to Sunday. Going to Cayuga aka Cayuga 2000 Speedway aka TMP aka Toronto Motorsports Park for the GTA Motorcycle Track Day.

It is time to ride my bike the way it was intended to be ridden.

I'm not worried about falling again. I have been reading and ridding with focus in mind. Trying to feel the limits of me and my machine. The bike can do more than I can do with it so I need to pay attention to what my body does during certain manouvers: where I sit on my bike while I accelerate, slow down, turn, and stop. I must remeber be mindful of where I look and think seconds ahead.

It all boils down to focus.

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134 months ago

Enjoy the ride man. Looking forward to your pix and your post-track-day breakdown.