
83 months ago

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Motorcycle Diaries: Fearless North-facing Motorcycle Photography by Dan Lim

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

When you are facing north, the light of the sun will be on your left

A huge, welcoming, cross-section of the motorcycle community turned out for the "Fearless II" event to support this second annual motorcycle photo show created by Dan Lim of The Moto Foto in partnership with the Diabetes Foundation.

Extreme closeups of riders' faces layered with their motorcycles created a defined diptych of identity. For me, the moving photographs of local riders captured a unique expression that exudes the intangible feeling of content when rider and machine become one. Each portrait was taken in the same light, facing the same direction: due north.

The silent auction was tremendous fun and I spent the evening chatting with people while stalking my photos for bids. I lost one and was super stoked to win the portrait of the TonUp Norton Commando. The way the light plays on on the stainless steel plate print is spectacular. A little reminder of how complex our connection to the motorcycle is.

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II Jason

Fearless II Jason

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II Dave

Fearless II Dave

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II: Volunteers were selling arm's length raffle tickets to a collection of gifts from Pfaff Harley-Davidson

Fearless II: Volunteers were selling arm's length raffle tickets to a collection of gifts from Pfaff Harley-Davidson

Fearless II

Fearless II

Fearless II: Beer provided by the guys at Great Lakes Brewery

Fearless II: Beer provided by the guys at Great Lakes Brewery

Fearless II: A little tattoo action from Adrenaline Tattoos

Fearless II: A little tattoo action from Adrenaline Tattoos

Fearless II: Dan Lim

Fearless II: Dan Lim

An interview with Dan Lim

MM: How did you feel the show went?

Dan Lim: The show went off as planned and I'm thrilled with the very busy crowds that attended that evening. Over 600 people RSVP'd through Eventbrite so we exceeded our attendance from last year. People were so generous with their donations and participation of the show via raffle sales and the silent auction on the prints. They definitely brought out the good vibes. Like last year, the night simply flew by and before I knew it, it was over.

MM: How were the portrait subjects selected?

Dan Lim: Most of my subjects are riders from our wonderful moto community. As you know, I'm deeply committed to and am entrenched in our community. So when I approached each subject to participate in this creative endeavour of showcasing the diversity and multiculturalism of bikers and Canadians, they immediately agreed and we were off and running. My biggest difficulty wasn't in the choosing of people, but rather, that I was limited to only being able to shoot so few. We have a fabulous community and would have loved to showcase more amazing people and their motorcycles.

The photography aspect and concept of the shoot is very interesting, in itself. First off, the entire collection was photographed using only natural light. A portable location studio was created for my subjects and their motorcycles. Once on location, the studio was set up and pointed due North, thus utilizing Northern light to photograph my subjects and the bikes. Since Northern light is the most consistent and flattering light, the shoot took place throughout the day and at different locations around the GTA. Yet, every single portrait and motorcycle had a consistent look and feel about it regardless of time and place. Thus the name Face North. Close up portraits of Canadians (Canadians being Northerners), looking North, facing North, representing Canada, illuminated by North light.

MM: Can you tell us about the unique process used for printing?

Dan Lim: Yes, Paul Zago from Photo Media Decor (PMD) did an outstanding job printing for us again this year. It's an archival printing process printed directly on the metal substrate. Paul and I worked closely together through numerous test prints to determine what I needed to do to my imagery, in order to show it off in the best light with the metal. Thus, the bike shots were purposefully created with more contrast so that the metal can show through in the highlighted parts of the motorcycle such as the chrome parts of the image. The portrait section was treated with less contrast and with a 30% white backing on the metal before printing, giving it a more traditional black and white print on paper "look and feel" to the finished piece.

MM: Are you planning a version 3 for next year?

Dan Lim: Yes, I certainly hope so. I hope it can be an annual event for the moto community and, of course, to continue raising funds for Diabetes Canada. So far, based on the overall response, turn out of attendees and the results of the fundraising, I think there will be a FEARLESS III.

Fearless II, End Diabetes

Fearless II, End Diabetes

Dan would like to send out special thanks to the following sponsors

Adrenaline Toronto,
Pfaff Harley Davidson,
Fine art printer, Photo Media Decor
Photo Media Decor / Lumichrom,
Hank Daddy's BBQ,
Great Lakes Brewery,
Event studio, District 28 Studios,
Suzy Johnston & Associates,
Contrast Communication
Faith Design
Sully Wong
RAWKK Design,
Downtown Camera,
Dat Salon,
Liz Gareri Photography,

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