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Motorcycle Predictions: What's Happening in 2024

New York, New York, United States

It's time again to learn about major motorcycle developments for 2024. Yes, that's right, here is another batch of iron-clad predictions that you can believe will, or will not, come true in the upcoming year.

Let's look to the future and see what 2024 holds for us. PXhere/Creative Commons CC0

Let's look to the future and see what 2024 holds for us. PXhere/Creative Commons CC0

In a somewhat misguided weight-saving measure, engineers at the largest motorcycle manufacturers will all collude to remove sidestands and centrestands from their new models. How will the bikes stand up when you're not using them? Well, that's a good question. Here's the answer: outriggers. That's right, just like on those South Pacific canoes or the U2 spyplane.

We've mentioned outriggers before in predictions, but engineers and manufacturers were too timid to pull the trigger on that design change. Now is the time.
The outriggers will be deployed when the bike's speed drops below 5 mph and will keep the bike upright until you're back on the road again. To me it doesn't seem like it will do much to save weight, but I'm not an engineer.

Expect these on the next new bike you buy. Giovanni Cassese/ResearchGate

Expect these on the next new bike you buy. Giovanni Cassese/ResearchGate

Here's a scoop for you. Early in the new year the Vatican will announce that Pope Francis will no longer travel by Popemobile when he's making public appearances and religious pilgrimages to visit faithful around the world. Instead, in a nod to his support of the environment and green energy, the Pope and his entourage will begin riding a fleet of electric Vespas. They will be white, of course, just like the Justin Beiber model. These Vatican Vespas, or Saintly Scooters if you prefer, will be such a hit that the manufacturer will release limited edition models for the public.

It will be two wheels from now on for Pope Francis. AP photo

It will be two wheels from now on for Pope Francis. AP photo

And what about the Pope's tall hat? How will he get it under his helmet? He won't. He's going to wear a custom-made open face helmet that will replicate that tall ceremonial hat he wears.

I haven't heard back from the White House yet if presidential motorcades will soon follow suit and be taking to the streets on a fleet of LiveWires. Let's hope President Biden wears a helmet. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from the U.S. government. I'm sure it will be any day now.

Biden is a biker. RideApart photo

Biden is a biker. RideApart photo

Many of the latest motorcycles come with sensors such as radar and blind-spot detection and gizmos like that. They are great for safety but they add expense and weight. Again, with a nod to saving some pounds, and keeping prices low at the same time, bike makers are going to stop adding those sensors. Instead, they will ensure the rider is aware of what's going on all around with the addition of rear-facing passenger seats. Now riders won't have to check their mirrors, heck, they won't even need mirrors, except when riding solo. All you will have to do is rely on your backward-facing passenger to keep an eye on things. Sort of like a tailgunner on a World War Two bomber. Just hope that they don't get nauseous from riding rearward. But at least if they puke it won't be on you. I guess that's a feature, not a bug, as it will likely keep tailgaters at bay. 

Let's turn to racing now, shall we?
In fact, let's blow the lid of a very closely kept FIM/MotoGP secret. 
For the 2024 season, the premiere MotoGP class will no longer feature solo riders blazing around the tracks by themselves. No longer will Pecco Bagnaia be out there on his own because MotoGP is switching to sidecar racing. Yes, that information has been kept so secret, until now, that even Pecco, the two-time defending champion wasn't aware of it.

This will be a common sight at MotoGP events. Steffen Prößdorf, CC BY-SA 4.0

This will be a common sight at MotoGP events. Steffen Prößdorf, CC BY-SA 4.0

The reasons behind this are many: three-wheeled motorcycles are becoming more popular; it will provide employment opportunities for racers; it will help tire manufacturers sell more tires; and, of course, everyone knows that racing anything with a sidecar attached is just more exciting than one racer out there alone. Think about it. If you've seen sidecar motocross or vintage sidecar motorcycle racing you will know it's true. And you know what they say: "Two heads are better than one."

I've never seen a Ducati with a sidecar before, but I will, and so will you.

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1 month ago

The motorbike industry is gradually switching to electric motors to reduce emissions and noise. Large companies such as Honda, Yamaha, and Piaggio are all investing heavily in the development of electric motorbikes, aa route planner with many new models being launched. Add a comment


7 months ago

@MillionMark HA! You mean you can't picture the pope getting around on a scooter? I'm hurt!


7 months ago

Calling it here and now. BS. Fun story but BS