
122 months ago

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Motorcycle rider survives crash at 140mph and shares video to prove it

This one is prime for a Darwin Award. Sergey Kotov crashed his Yamaha R1 last year on the I-25 in Colorado, admittedly travelling at 140 mph.

The crash was captured on this helmet-cam and on the 1 year anniversary of the crash, he released the video on his YouTube channel: XKotovX. Since going viral in the last 24 hours, the video has been viewed almost 1 million times and syndicated around the world.

Distracted, Kotov hit a car that appeared in front of him. His body flew and spun on the road. Luckily, he was in full gear, and while he walked away from the crash at the time, he spent months in hospital recovering.

Kotov is distracted - Yamaha R1 crash at 140 mph

Kotov is distracted - Yamaha R1 crash at 140 mph

Suddenly a car appears - motorcycle crash 140 mph

Suddenly a car appears - motorcycle crash 140 mph

R1 front end is shredded - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

R1 front end is shredded - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Immediately post impact - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Immediately post impact - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Rider goes flying - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Rider goes flying - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Yamaha R1 see by rider - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

Yamaha R1 see by rider - motorcycle crash at 140 mph

More photos before and after the crash were posted here Instagram/xkotovx

Sergey Kotov appears to have made a full recovery, but the consequences left him in a coma and fighting for his life. For more check out a few more photos on the DailyDot.

It's closer to a tarmac accident as I ever want to come. Word to the wise: wear your gear, look where you're going! And take the speed to the track!

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122 months ago

@agent3012 Looks like Kotov has the video back up on his Youtube channel. The 'lawsuit' must have been settled ...


122 months ago

@alex Looks like the video was removed. Too late to help any potential lawsuit from the driver, though.


122 months ago

Good to see gear working at least and that the R1 only lost the front end. Sounds like this one from the Tail of the Dragon: