
124 months ago

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Motorcycle Safety Foundation Now on iTunes U



The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has helped many motorcycle beginners learn to ride in the US with their RiderCourse series. To supplement their mission, the MSF is now offering digital training courses via iTunes U, accessible through iTunes on Windows, Mac and iOS devices.

The current list of titles offered include:

· An Adventure in Motorcycle Physics - Improve your riding skills by understanding the physics of riding. Helps provide practical applications of that knowledge to every day riders.

· Dr. Ray's Street Strategies - 40 practical leassons that cover everything from riding techniques, motorcycle ownership, traffic safety and safe riding strategy.

· Dr. Ray's Guide to Group Riding - Improve your group rides with safety, communication and enjoyment tips.

· Dr. Ray's SeasonedRider eCourse - With the average age of motorcyclists is rising (currently 40 years of age), this course helps riders stay safe through all phases of their life.

Along with the iTunes U courses, you can also find a series of MSF iBook titles on safety topics.

Even if you don't use Apple devices, you can also check out the MSF Basic eCourse designed to provide a supplemental online motorcyclist education as a companion to their in-person training offerings. The eCourse should work on most platforms with compatible browsers.

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123 months ago

Thanks for that. Will check it out.