
109 months ago

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My penalty for being a wimp yesterday...

Lebanon, United States

So I made 300 miles toward my 750 trip and called it a day around 5:30pm. Now I could have rode more but the heat, rain, and traffic beat me up so I called it a day.

Now today my penalty for going an extra day is a bike that now looks like this!

Rain penalty

Rain penalty

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109 months ago

Oh man, you should have seen the water pouring out of the air cleaner. Still the motor never skipped a beat and despite the rain it was a good ride. Next Sunday I'll attempt the 655 mile return in a day.


109 months ago

Don't tell me your Deuce can't take the rain! What's wrong with her? Your post reminded me, I gotta get out to do an Iron But out to the Carolinas before the summer's out.