
133 months ago

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My top 10 motorcycle pics of the week

Number 1 - Riding in the desert is an experience to behold. Hello to all the burners in Nevada right now!

Vegas desert riding

Vegas desert riding

Number 2 - Motorcycle riding is about extremes but count me out for rain riding. Must admit, that's a nice looking Triumph Scrambler with skateboard. The Kawi ZX6R deserves some love for that colour combo - a break from the green.

Riding in the rain won't stop us

Riding in the rain won't stop us

Number 3 - What?! This takes camoflauge to new levels.

Camoflauge motorcycle

Camoflauge motorcycle

Number 4 - Packing for a big ride. No way I could do 8,000 miles but if you can, here's what you need.

What you need for an 8,000 mile motorcycle ride

What you need for an 8,000 mile motorcycle ride

Number 5 - Found this cool photo of a couple of mods (or are they rockers) riding around Chicago circa 2011.

Mod-Rockers in Chicago

Mod-Rockers in Chicago

Number 6 - This is an oldie but a goodie: Cat Woman - need I say more!

Cat Woman on Batman's motorcycle

Cat Woman on Batman's motorcycle

Number 7 - Even a Praying Mantis needs to show the love for two-wheels (hydrogen power).

Number 8 - A custom H-D I came across in stainless Steel! I could see Robocop on this, damn.

Custom Harley in Stainless

Custom Harley in Stainless

Number 9 - A bike garage worth admiration... ahhh.

A bike garage I'd like to have

A bike garage I'd like to have

Number 10 - Last but not least... they say elephants are incredibly smart - obviously because they ride. Wait is that a Royal Enfield...

Born to ride elephant

Born to ride elephant

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