
123 months ago

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- Story

Never a Truer Word Spoken

C.S.Lewis wrote: " ‟For in Calormen, story-telling (whether the stories are true or made up) is a thing you're taught, just as English boys and girls are taught essay-writing. The difference is that people want to hear the stories, whereas I never heard of anyone who wanted to read the essays.” (The Horse and His Boy - Chronicles of Narnia)

The great thing about ESR is being able to share your stories. Yes we all love our bikes, yes we all love photos of them and locations where we've been. Keep them coming!

Everyone has experiences that are relived whenever anyone starts: "Hey remember that one time when...?"

And it isn't just about the plot ("My Motocycyle Vacation: on the first day of my motorcycle vacation I got up, then I went downstairs to the garage...") it's about character. Everyone knows a character.

So submit your stories of the people, places and bikes. Funny, serious or just awesome - even if you feel you "had to be there", the story will bring ESR members there!

Think of it - you could become internationally recognized as "oh yeah! you're the one who..."


If you see a cow, you need to go for a ride!

If you see a cow, you need to go for a ride!

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123 months ago

I don't even want to know where you went on vacation to take that picture...