
154 months ago

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New code. And new beginnings

Over the past few weeks, we've realized a few things have been amiss with the site. The main thing being that Internet Explorer wasn't uploading images... This is kind of an embarrassing oversight on our part and it can be explained (but not excused) by the fact we are all Mac and Unix people.

However, to get around this, I bought my first Windows machine in five years at the weekend I am pleased to say that the code is now uploading images correctly.

I've also taken the time to fix a few other bugs, such as previews not being displayed under certain circumstances and notifcations going to incorrect URLs, again under certain circumstances.

We've also recently added a few new features that i hope you might already have noticed. The main one is that you can now tag just about any piece of content with a location. We've tried to make this simple and if you upload a picture from a GPS-enabled camera (such as the iphone) it will automatically extract it. Don't worry. if you want to remove the location, you can do so before you save. For other pieces of content, hit the location tag above the edit box. You can quickly set it to your home location (if you've set one in your profile) or where you are right now if your browser supports it - most do, except IE 8 and earlier.

The really big news is what is coming, however. We've started work on a version two of the site. If we do our job correctly, you will only notice some minor cosmetic differences. Oh, that and the fact it will load significantly quicker.

Suffice to say, we're very excited about what promises to be a huge update so please bear with us and I'll try to post details along the way.

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