
131 months ago

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New Smart Helmet Technology

Skully P-1 Smart Helmet

Skully P-1 Smart Helmet

Engadget has a story up about a new smart helmet. The Skully P-1 helmet packs a heads-up display, rear-facing camera and Android to keep motorcyclists safe.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been looking forward to technology becoming cheap enough to make this possible.

The company's website can be found at

Looking forward to any reviews from @EatSleepRide riders that can get their hands on one to tell us whether it will be a worthy buy.

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131 months ago

Love it. I could do without the rear view but would like to test it out regardless.


131 months ago

And @Agent3012, sensors are a nice idea, but would need something NFC or radar/sonar. Per your notes about BMW, it's a ways off, but I'd look more to the Google car than BMW to bring that fruit to bear. For now, I'd just buy bigger mirrors and do your blind spot checks


131 months ago

I just saw this helmet, too. Not sure $1k is too much for it as a top of the line (non carbon) Arai is $1500.


131 months ago

The rear-facing camera will be useful, but I am not sure it's as needed as other features. What I'd really like to see is a helmet that ties in via Bluetooth to a sensor system that is installed on your motorcycle. 4 to 8 proximity sensors facing outwards to warn about nearby objects, such as a vehicle in your blind spot.

While the sensors would add to the system cost, savings could be made by having the display system be more basic, with audio and visual alerts coming up in each of the directions the sensors are facing.

Increase the range on the forward sensor, and have the onboard computer calculate distances to objects in your path, combined with your current speed, and help alert riders to a potential collision.

Of course, I wish we were further along towards BMW's vehicle-to-vehicle network being a real, common feature:


131 months ago

Woah this helmet promises a lot. Its hard not to get excited. Now I think all the whistles and bells are fine but when all of that is stripped away what is the helmet like? Premium helmets cost over 1K now so is that a baseline in craftsmanship I can expect from the Skully? Or is it a crappy make with a lot of gear. Either way @alex, get your hands on one!