
130 months ago

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Nice half day ride

Oro Valley, United States

I am on. Road trip. Came down to Arizona to ride this weekend with a friend of mine. Soccer games kept us from an early departure (you must keep the wife happy or you don't get to ride)

We headed out toward Tombstone down highway 83. Here is a little stop we made.

83 stop

83 stop

Down a little bit we came to highway 82 and we going to turn toward Tombstone. But I saw a sign for. "Jackson Canyon Lake". I a asked my buddy if he had ever been there. His reply was no. So a new destination is in our future. So we continued up Hwy 83 to the lake. The road was not great. Bit the views were. Once we got to the lake there was a nice view there too. We stopped and rested a bit. Had a bottle of water. Then reversed course and headed back home due to the time

Jackson canyon lake

Jackson canyon lake

Nice way to spend an afternoon Time now for some dinner. Some beers. And a soak in the hot tub.

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130 months ago

Oops Parker canyon lake