
134 months ago

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Outlawing Smart Glasses

Google Glass

Google Glass

Google Glass by now everyones heard of them and the fact that they will be commerically available sometime in the following year but the real question everyone is wondering is how is this going to impact us. Well the DfT (Department of Transportation UK) has seen what they think are some shortcomings already and it looks that bu the time the glasses are released they will be banned for all motorists.

A spokesman for the department told Stuff, a gadget magazine, that the device could distract drivers while they are behind the wheel, defining Glass as a similar distraction to a mobile phone.

"We are aware of the impending rollout of Google Glass and are in discussion with the police to ensure that individuals do not use this technology while driving," said the spokesman.

"It is important that drivers give their full attention to the road when they are behind the wheel and do not behave in a way that stops them from observing what is happening on the road."

He pointed to offences including driving without due attention and careless driving, which is due to become a fixed penalty offence in late 2013. Since a ban on using mobile phones while driving was introduced in 2003, more than one million drivers have been convicted - typically issued with a £60 fixed penalty notice and three points on their driver's licence.

"A range of offences and penalties already exist to tackle those drivers who do not pay proper attention to the road including careless driving, which will become a fixed penalty offence later this year. We are aware of the impending rollout of Google Glass and are in discussion with the Police to ensure that individuals do not use this technology while driving."

The statement by the Department for Transport (USA) indicates that Google Glass users would be subject to the same penalty under the 1988 Road Traffic Act. It reflects similar concerns in the US, where Glass has been launched to a small trial group of "explorers".The US state of Virginia has already implemented a bill that bans wearing computer equipment while driving.

"We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues," said Google in a statement. "Our Glass Explorer programme, currently only launched in the US, reaches people from all walks of life and will ensure that our users become active participants in shaping the future of this technology."

A Google statement said: "We are thinking very carefully about how we design Glass because new technology always raises new issues. Our Glass Explorer programme, currently only launched in the US, reaches people from all walks of life and will ensure that our users become active participants in shaping the future of this technology."

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134 months ago

Drivers are distracted enough, at least here in North America without them driving around with a computer stuck to their face.