
151 months ago

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Parking Update: Mike shows humanity



Here is the latest exchange between Mike Del Grande and I on the ever-exciting GTA motorcycle parking drama.

To my last letter here,, Mike responded with:

Then a review would be in order.

I replied with this:

Thanks, Mike.

I hope to stay engaged with you and your associates at City Hall on this matter, as I think I can bring you around to seeing motorbikes as a part of the solution to a bunch of the troubles you guys are facing.

You'll find that most of us riders are normal people who just happen to ride and love motorcycles. I hope you don't think that rudeness and attacks from any member of our contingent are representative of the majority. Yes, we have our kooks and jerks, but I can tell you from personal experience that we are 99% reasonable, easy-going folks who just happen to enjoy the freedoms that come with riding.

My passion as a rider -- and my job as editor of a motorbiking website -- is to get more people into our world and way of thinking, because it's all pretty positive and good for our city.

...and then at the urging of Site Supporter Rob MacLennon here,, I sent Mike this:

_Mike, I'd also add that that a number of us riders feel quite strongly that the solutions to the issue of lost parking vouchers would likely cost more than the revenue obtained through them, making it a pointless and counter- productive enterprise.


Man, I think I'm turning into a lobbyist.

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131 months ago



151 months ago

Thanks. This email came in today:

Good afternoon Paul,

Councillor Mihevc will vote to keep the free motorcycle parking in place. He agrees with your position on this.


Beth Gosnell

Special Assistant to Councillor Joe Mihevc

Ward 21, St. Paul's West


151 months ago

Good stuff, Champers - maybe lobbying is in your future... Man, we sure as hell could use some


151 months ago

Nice work @champers!