
123 months ago

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Pennsylvania trek - the final chapter

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

OK I'm sure you're all tired of all this detail now, so I'll keep this pretty short...

Noel and I arose Sunday morning to find some sunshine - I was pessimistic about it lasting, as the weather forecasts were too unsettled (just the opposite of predictable...) - so we decided to hit the road before breakfast and ride around to the western rim of the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon.

I'd never been up there before, so it was adventure time again.

Part of the route re-traced the roads taken the previous evening to the east rim. Like just about every road in PA, if there's a straight road, someone took great effort to make it like that (or it was a mistake in the road design). Surfaces all above average.

The pictures really can't do it justice - you have to see it for yourself. (Or I need to read the camera manual... but where's the fun in that?)

en route Colson Point PA.jpg

en route Colson Point PA.jpg

On way to Colson Point PA.jpg

On way to Colson Point PA.jpg

Rana photo op.jpg

Rana photo op.jpg

Park Road 1.jpg

Park Road 1.jpg

It was so nice a day, lots of picture taking ensued. It was almost silent - just the wind in the trees and the far-off rush of the river at the bottom of the canyon. I shuddered at the thought of a group of straight-piped V-Twins (you know who you are!) shattering the natural beauty and peace of the morning. As it was, I felt guilty enough with our bikes. Even though they are on the quiet side, it still felt like a thunderous intrusion. (Noel flatly refuses to add a noisier after-market exhaust.)

Waiting for Mr Photo.jpg

Waiting for Mr Photo.jpg

Grand Canyon PA south.jpg

Grand Canyon PA south.jpg

Colson Point  Lookout.jpg

Colson Point Lookout.jpg

Colson Pt West Rim morning.jpg

Colson Pt West Rim morning.jpg

West Rim Grand Canyon PA morning.jpg

West Rim Grand Canyon PA morning.jpg

West Rim looking north2.jpg

West Rim looking north2.jpg

Bird of Prey Grand Canyon PA.jpg

Bird of Prey Grand Canyon PA.jpg

West Rim looking north.jpg

West Rim looking north.jpg

West Rim Grand Canoyon PA.jpg

West Rim Grand Canoyon PA.jpg

Selfie Colson Point PA.jpg

Selfie Colson Point PA.jpg

Noel and the PanShot.jpg

Noel and the PanShot.jpg

West Rim PA.jpg

West Rim PA.jpg

Colson Point West Rim PA.jpg

Colson Point West Rim PA.jpg

West Rim Grand Canyon PA.jpg

West Rim Grand Canyon PA.jpg

East Rim from West Rim.jpg

East Rim from West Rim.jpg

Canyon Motel Sign.jpg

Canyon Motel Sign.jpg

Canyon Motel Wellsboro PA.jpg

Canyon Motel Wellsboro PA.jpg

After breakfast at the "world-famous" Wellsboro Diner - converted rail dining car/cafe - it was check out (Thanks Canyon Motel!) and back to Canada (by a different route of course!)

Another long, but mostly enjoyable ride. We retraced our route along Route 6 to Port Allegany where we picked up rte 155 then 446 into NY and then along 417 into Olean

Twisty back roads and beautiful scenery - unless stuck behind a slowpoke driver! Can't complain at all until we hit NY state again and the route 417 we were on went right through Olean stop and go. I guess it made us appreciate PA!

We continued on 417 until Salamanca, when it was north on 219 all the way to Buffalo. We decided to take I-190 up to Lewiston-Queenston bridge. Only had to wait 15 mins to cross.

Noel decided to continue back to Scarborough, rather than rest up at my place. I was a little worried because the dark clouds were beginning to loom ominously. (He made it home OK)

So first big trip of the season... stay tuned for more (and I'll make them shorter)!


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