
98 months ago

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- Story

Post Fish 1

Moose, United States

The day started like crap heading down the slippery gravel road I came in on. I was sad to see the fishing lodge in the rearview but it was time to go. The Sportster doesn't like to engine brake at low speed and I drifted in neutral down the hill. Touching the front break at the wrong time put me on the ground and jacked up my left shoulder. It seems muscular because it only hurts in certain range of motion. Thank God it feels pretty good with my hands on the bars riding. I headed into Yellowstone National Park by the west entrance and took part of the northern loop. A beautiful slow ride it was taking in the scenes and wildlife. On my way out the south entrance I was 10yd from a black bear cub! It scampered up the bank away from the road and I sped up a bit not knowing where it's mother was. The road between Yellowstone and Grand Teton NP was breathtaking- literally. Usually I enjoy the world around me but this was wild country- a Wyoming beauty you can only grasp in person. Coming around the corner after crossing the continental divide for the third time (at about 8000ft) suddenly a Grand Canyon like gorge appeared and unmeasurably below a river flowed at the bottom. Not long after I got over that the Tetons appeared. Got into the park, stopped at the camp site, spoke kindly with the old woman who was the host and though the site was full she let me stay behind the checkin shack- I just had to be out by 7. I laid my stuff out and had a dinner of nuts and cliff bar. I laid down and slept. I awoke so cold. 200 miles

Time to sleep

Time to sleep

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98 months ago

Wow Drew it looks like you're really making the great ride out west! Wish I could be along for that maybe I'll make one next year these are areas that I really want to see and it's really cool to see you post your stories and pictures! Keep it up man maybe sometime will ride together! -SpringerTodd