
92 months ago

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Post Fish 1

The ride started like straight crap as I attempted to descend the loose gravel road I had ride up to get to the fishing lodge. It was slow going and I was exhausted from that before I put any real miles on. I did some slow riding through Yellowstone National Park. Great views: scenery, elk, and the highlight of the day was riding within 10 yd of a black bear cub as it scampered up the bank into the woods! I sped up in case its mom was about to leap from the shadows. I came into Yellowstone by the west entrance and as I left by the south an enormous canyon appeared to my left with a rushing river. I'm not often seriously in awe but this was spectacular. Then I came around the bend and the Tetons were in view. Now I've crashed at a campsite and will ride the park tomorrow and move on.

They're everywhere !

They're everywhere !

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92 months ago

@DrewT.  Sounds amazing, despite the difficult start.  Enjoy and thanks for telling us about it.