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Preparing For An Epic Ride Along France’s Idyllic Roads



One of the best countries to ride your motorcycle around in is France. A France trip is on the bucket list of many riders, and, for the most part, people are being drawn to completely different areas. Some fancy the classic holiday destination of the south of France, some look to the more mountainous regions further inland, and others like the urban-fusion ride around the north, particularly around Paris.

Like any trip, though, you need to be prepared for the ride ahead. So here, we’re going through all of the stuff you could need for your trip across France and some of the hot spots that have been highlighted as perfect for motorcyclists.

Prepare for France and the ride

Perhaps the first thing that most people think to do before a trip like this is take French lessons, even if it’s only for a short span so that you can get the basics. Given that you’ll be riding beyond the tourist centers, you’ll want to have at least a conversational understanding of French to make the experience much easier. As you can pick your price and when you’re available for lessons, learning from French tutors online is easy.

As for what you need on you while on a motorcycle, perhaps the most important thing to consider is the recent Hi-Vis laws. Now, you need safety helmets with reflective elements, and you have to have a Hi-Vis vest or jacket on you at all times. Along with these safety precautions, you’ll need proof of insurance, ID, proof of vehicle ownership, your full and valid driving licence, and GB stickers if your number plate isn’t a GB one.

Places to ride around in France

It isn’t oversimplifying it to say that you can find an incredible road to ride down in just about any region of France. There are great Ride routes all over the place, whether you want to go to Normandy or the Ardèche, the Western Pyrenees or The Limousin. Of course, most people looking to go to France on any kind of trip go during the summer months and often find themselves in the south of France.

This just happens to be the region that Lavi and Gamblin found themselves moto-camping in earlier this year. The star attraction here for both urban exploration and superb motorcycle roads has to be Nice. A city on the southeast coast, the climate is mild throughout the year, and there are many routes to ride along. An iconic one is The Three Corniches, which takes you to the Grand, Moyenne, and Basse Corniche.

Further west and much more inland, you can head to Mont Ventoux, which is what the Gipsy Baby ride targeted on its run. If you’re not one to cross the whole country by land, sea, or air, and just want to dip into France to experience its roads on your motorcycle, consider Brittany. Found in the north-west of France, it’s a remote, rugged region with many idyllic coastal towns to bounce between.

Overall, wherever you decide to ride in France, you’re bound to have a grand time.

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