
61 months ago

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Ride on rain?

England, United Kingdom

I wonder what you riders fear the most. Rain or wind? Saying that I only ride 125cc yet so wind affect me a lot 😒

rain or wind?

rain or wind?

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61 months ago

Yeah good point. I suppose the rain here in UK aren't as strong as its there... πŸ€œπŸ€›


61 months ago

also, I'd like to say...IMHO there is no such thing as "Waterproof" n or "Windproof" motorcycle wear.


61 months ago

there in lies the challenge, to try to keep your witts about you. personally, I've ridden in every kind of foul weather, for 40+ years and i can honestly say that I have never "Gotten Used to it". as stated by the rider from Texas, if u can't see? it really sucks!


61 months ago

Here in Texas, we have both, but I would say rain. Harder for me to ride if I can't see.