
115 months ago

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Ruby Helmets are no More

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If you own a jet helmet or full Ruby, it is now a collectors item. The company was placed in receivership.



The company Studio Pilot, better known by its trade name "Les Ateliers Ruby", was placed in receivership

Is there a place for the luxury market in the motorcycling?

Who has $1500 CAD for a fancy looking helmet. I admit they are very stylish and I coveted one myself but could never justify the cost.

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115 months ago

Looks nice, but like lots of over-designed things, it looks completely impractical. Too little viewport, a visor which is either off or snaps on and no venting. Give me my Arai any day. Cheaper and does a way better job.


115 months ago

What!? Sorry to see Ruby go. I always wanted one of those if not to wear but to look at. The aesthetic is in conflict. On one hand it's a stylish retro design, on the other,  a heavy burden or torture device. In my opinion, the ultimate helmet would be light weight and invisible :/)