
95 months ago

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Slyck255 is thinking...

Waiting for Darwin to catch up with helmetless riders...

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95 months ago

@macdracer  I guess it was also a reaction to the dogmaticness (a new word?) on both sides of the helmet issue.  There seems to be a gulf that is not likely to be bridged.  So, out of frustration, there was a "OK - don't wear a helmet if you don't want to, and we'll see who dies first" reaction.


95 months ago

@macdracer  I appreciate your comment and concern.  Basically, I'd like people to take personal protections and safe riding seriously  - I don't want people to get hurt so find it difficult to understand people who take greater risks than they need to - the posting was more a quip based on the exaggeration of evolutionary process of survival of the fittest... if helmetless riders get hurt or die more often, then their survival is less likely and they are less likely to pass on the attitude.  I want people to put on a helmet before natural selection removes them - the more riders that wear helmets, wear safe gear and ride responsibly, the better it is for everyone.  (but you couldn't fit all that in the "Is Thinking" section.)



95 months ago

That's pretty heartless. I'm sad for you man if this is truly how you fell.