
117 months ago

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Sometimes, even South Cali sucks for motorcyclists

San Bernardino, California, United States of America

I'd always thought that Cali was one of those never-fail places for motorcycles. It's all twisting switch backs and endless sunshine.

Kind of like this

and this

Kernville California

Kernville California

or this


Instead, I read the news today (oh boy!) and instead of 4000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire, it's snow in Southern Cali

As someone that lives in Toronto, Canada and thus has to put their bike away for what feels like 3/4 of the year, I know what you Cali riders are feeling about now.

I do confess, I have a little schadenfreude about this. My LA friends are going to be a little less smug about being able to ride all year round and I'm almost smiling imagining the look on their faces.

But I also know when the weather picks up in a few days, they'll all be back out again and teasing me for living so far North.

For any of you affected by this, you have my condolences. The weather sucks sometimes and my thoughts are with all of you, not just those in Cali, separated from your ride right now.

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