
86 months ago

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Speed Wobble on the Highway

Man falls off Motorcycle

Thank goodness this rider survives a slide along the highway, but I have to imagine that road rash will take some time to heal. According to the person recording the video, they saw the motorcycle wobble several times over 5 or so miles any time it reached a particular speed.

For those curious, here's an article on how to avoid a tank slapper or speed wobble.

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84 months ago

Always gear up!


85 months ago

@shanekingAnd as well his helmet was a poor choice. From what I read his jaw, nose and cheek were severly injured. People always give me B.S. too on my gear and I always tell them when they get home or if they have a phone with them look up Brittany Morrow then well talk. Always shuts them up 100%.


85 months ago

This happened not too far from where we live. Some interesting things have popped up since then with what people are calling the Harley Davidson "death wobble". Since the majority of their bikes are baggers it actually may apply to many other brands as well, but a common denominator among the stories so far has been that if it wasn't caused by any other mechanical issues a steering damper would have saved this rider and others. Another common problem is front tire wear/inflation.


86 months ago

Basically what happened to me 4 months ago. the scars from the road rash are still tender.


86 months ago

And that is one of the guys who inevitably ask me 'aren't you hot in that' when I wear my gear in the summer. 

I'd rather sweat than bleed.


86 months ago

Wear your gear!


86 months ago

FYI, if I put my engineers hat on, the best thing you can do in this circumstance is to open the throttle at little. Speed wobbles like this are due to sympathetic resonance of the steering. On no account should you try to "hold it".


86 months ago

And this, people, is why you need to ATGATT. That poor guy almost certainly has no skin left.


86 months ago

the best way is to check for oil leaks as in this case the rear tire is covered in oil. his own oil