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'Spock' aka Leonard Nimoy died today

Texas, United States of America

Leonard Nimoy, known worldwide as Mr Spock in the original Star Trek television series, has died this morning at the age 83.

His wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, told The New York Times he died of of pulmonary disease, due to the smoking habit ended 30 years ago.

Nimoy played Spock for 50 years and inspired so many.

Spock covered in tattoos

Spock covered in tattoos

Here he is playing the character Paris, a master of disguise, from the original Mission Impossible tv series. The open face motorcycle helmet and chin strap must have been an innovation of the 60's.

Leonard Nimoy, in a scene from the original Mission Impossible tv series

Leonard Nimoy, in a scene from the original Mission Impossible tv series

As news of Nimoy's death spread, his friends, co-stars, and fans began posting remembrances. "We will all miss his humor, his talent and his capacity to love," William Shatner said in a statement.

George Takei, who played Sulu, posted on Facebook, "Today, the world lost a great man, and I lost a great friend. We return you now to the stars, Leonard. You taught us to 'Live Long And Prosper,' and you indeed did, friend. I shall miss you in so many, many ways." (via Wired)

Leonard Nimoy, died today at age 83

Leonard Nimoy, died today at age 83

So long Spock and thanks for the inspiration.


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