
120 months ago

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Springtime Riding - Things to Remember About Staying Safe after a Winter Off

Time to pack your saddlebags again - spring is here. All around the country hobbyist and serious riders are shining up their boots, changing oil, and suiting up for a great upcoming season. However, you don't want to get so excited that you jump in unprepared. You have to make sure that you are still taking the proper safety precautions and are weighing your options to the best of your ability. Make sure that you don't just hop on your bike and go out without the proper gear. Also remember that some of your favorite roadways could have changed quite a bit over a harsh winter and there are many things that need to be taken into account in order to ensure that you are responsible and remain safe.

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Build-Up on the Roads

Over the course of a long winter season, there can be a lot of build up on the roads, particularly if they are frozen. When frozen the thawing process can mean all sorts of oil slicks and other substances on the road. This means that driving on even the most familiar roads can be more dangerous to you than they normally would be. Make sure that you have the correct tires to deal with these situations. Although you might be anxious to get out on the road, doing so without the proper equipment is never a good idea for anyone.

Potholes and Disrepair

It's no secret that bad weather leads to potholes, bumps, and general disrepair on the road. You have to make sure that you are actively looking for new potholes your first few times out on the road. You can hope that they will receive some repairs once spring arrives but you should never bet your own safety on that. Potholes are a serious danger to any veteran motorcyclist and avoiding them at all costs is definitely your best course of action. Keep an eye out the first few times that you get back on your bike.

Dressing for the Weather

Just because it is springtime does not mean that it is warm enough to go out without the proper clothing. Make sure that you read the weather reports and have any items you could potentially need ready. They should include but not be limited to a proper skullcap or hat, a leather jacket, appropriate footwear and proper pants.

Roadwork and Construction

Generally, a lot of roadwork and construction happens during the springtime, attempting to fix any of the issues that came up over the winter months. Of course, these can be dangerous areas for bikers as the road may torn apart, or give you less than advantageous conditions for safety. Roadwork is common during the springtime riding season, and you should be prepared to stop on short notice and make your way through bumpy and rough conditions on occasion.

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There are many things that need to be taken into account when you are getting back on the road for the first time after a long season. Off. You need to make sure that you are able to properly evaluate whether or not you believe the roadways are safe enough, and also make sure that you are not in too much of a rush. Take your time and stay safe while enjoying the newly beautiful weather.

About the Author:

Dewayne Jasper has been riding for over 6 years; you can also follow him on twitter and know about his riding.

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110 months ago

Well after riding year round in California, I did read something I forgot all about (note to self: shine boots) ๐Ÿ˜‰