atlas rider

134 months ago

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Still Hanging In There

I'm still here, just like this little insect that hung onto my gas cap for twenty miles. I know this blog has been pretty stale for a long time. Bad blogger! Here's a little context…

I got the book finished months ago and I pretty much crashed after that. I tend to operate in extremes, with a full commitment to a goal in mind. It was a big struggle for me to complete those last 50 pages and bourbon became my lubricant of choice to blast through the final roadblocks. I drank as I wrote and saved what was worth saving. I finished the book, and I continued my habits except for the writing part. The blog, riding, and the book took a back seat, and I relaxed for a while. Good news is that I'm kicking old habits that aren't serving my creative juices any longer.

Oh and I've reduced the price of my Kindle version of Anxiety Across the Americas because, why not make it a little easier?

Get Anxiety for $5 on


2013-09-15 17.13.27I have been in Portland for a year now, but haven't explored much of the city or surrounding areas very much. Writing was such a solitary act, it kept me very isolated and distracted. I am very happy to be done with it all. For five years I had been this guy who was all about to do this thing, was doing the thing, or just did the thing. I am very happy to close this chapter of my life and start writing a new one, figuratively this time. Next up is an audiobook version that I hope riders can listen to while they are on their own adventures. Here's my very sophisticated studio I've setup in my closet, along with Guff asking, "Why do you lock yourself in here? I worry!"

In other news, I had an interesting chat on the Wheel Nerd podcast with Chuck and Todd. You can check it out on their website, or download the MP3.

Also there are two ambitious Kickstarter campaigns for fellow motorcycle adventure authors I would like to mention.

Check'em out! I can't wait to read'em!

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