
142 months ago

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Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Expansion Concept Drawings

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is excited about the initial response to concept drawings of an expanded museum that were released at a public meeting in Sturgis on Monday. The concept drawings were created by Forefront Design, a Rapid City firm hired by the City of Sturgis, the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce and the Sturgis Economic Development Commission to work on a downtown revitalization effort.

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum - concept side view

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum - concept side view

‟The drawings that were made public at last night's meeting are conceptual in nature, but are based on input from the Board of Directors of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum,” said Dave Davis, Museum Board President. ‟The museum board is ready to move forward into a feasibility study phase to determine the full scope and time frame for making an expanded museum like the one represented here a reality. We want the community and all the constituents of the museum to understand that we are excited about growing our museum into an iconic structure that draws visitors to Sturgis on an ongoing basis.”

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum - concept front view

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum - concept front view

The downtown revitalization project has brought together a task force of community members from Sturgis to discuss ways to make downtown more vital and exciting on a year-round basis. The task force has been meeting for four months discussing various ideas for improving the Sturgis downtown area. The public meeting on Monday unveiled four potential projects to improve downtown. Besides the museum, those projects included a downtown plaza for events, a prototype mixed-use building with retail on the main floor with apartments above, and a splash park.

The mission of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of motorcycling, honor those who have made a positive and significant impact on the sport and lifestyle, and pay tribute to the heritage of the Sturgis Rally. Established in 2001, the museum is home to an ever-growing variety of motorcycles dating back to 1907. On display are a huge selection of American and metric bikes that are on loan from private individuals, along with a wide variety of exhibits, photographs, memorabilia and Sturgis Motorcycle Rally history. Museum memberships are available on the museum's website at

For more information, contact Christine Paige Diers, Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame at 605-347-2001.

Photo credits: Forefront Design

[Source: Pro Riders Marketing]

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142 months ago

That looks awesome! Is that an Indian sticking out the front?