
78 months ago

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Sylvester Stallone is not dead

Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

He was just trying to get through town damit!

Sylvester Stallone filming the motorcycle chase scene for First Blood

Sylvester Stallone filming the motorcycle chase scene for First Blood

He is back from the dead. Stallone confirmed he was alive and well after he was the victim of a "death hoax". In celebration of the continued life of Stallone, I collected a few of my favorite shots to pay homage to the man and his motorcycles including his feisty Yamaha XT 250 from the motorcycle chase scene in Rambo First Blood, shot on location in Hope, British Columbia, 1982.

Sylvester Stallone on his Yamaha 250 in Rambo First Blood

Sylvester Stallone on his Yamaha 250 in Rambo First Blood

Sylvester Stallone as R-o-c-k-y!

Sylvester Stallone as R-o-c-k-y!

Sylvester Stallone with a "please don't leave me baby because you don't like my motorcycle" look on his face.

Sylvester Stallone with a "please don't leave me baby because you don't like my motorcycle" look on his face.

Sylvester Stallone looking damn good in the 80s

Sylvester Stallone looking damn good in the 80s

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78 months ago

I loved the 80s.