
133 months ago

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What is the right motorcycle tire pressure for a regular summer riding?

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133 months ago

I often will check the tire manufactures web site for the proper tire inflation,as each manufacture uses different compounds in their tires. Also check the pressure recommendations on the sidewall of the tire for minimum and max tire pressure.


133 months ago

Way to go jampy! Marina asks a common question that many people ask. Many of us hear things from so many different directions that we begin to question what we should do. Why do so many of us go to our buddies for advice on this issue when the pressures have been recommended by million dollar educated and experienced design teams for the bike and tire manufacturers? Our friends' hearts may be in the right place but the professionals do this for a living for a reason. We wouldn't think about changing our frames based on other people's opinions but for some reason we are willing to try all sorts of things when it comes to the only two things that are in contact with the pavement. BTW, think I have seen the bike around G'town and Msga-nice ride.


133 months ago

What ever the manufacturer tells you in the manual