
132 months ago

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This Baby Is Down - F800S

Toronto, Canada

There is nothing more horrible than seeing a bike down! Before I went to lunch I noticed this F800S standing pretty, minding its own business.

F800s Lying Down

F800s Lying Down

By the time I came back from lunch, an hour later, she was down. Could it have been the film crew that set parking pylons? Could it have been a car? No note. A hit and run. I am appalled. What is wrong with people!?

F 800s tipped over

F 800s tipped over

F800s Tipped Over

F800s Tipped Over

F800s tipped over

F800s tipped over

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132 months ago

it bewilders me why, if someone knocked your bike over they wouldn't pick it back up at least. What's with the pylons instead. Stupid


132 months ago

@alex, Thanks! I hope I can find the person who did it. Luckily the damage wasn't too bad, signal, bent handlebar and the usual scuffed paint.


132 months ago

@WilliamW - hopefully there was no lasting damage. It's hard to imagine many worse feelings that rounding a corner and seeing your machine prostrate


132 months ago

I know who did it - some asshole If they didn't leave a name and a number, they were also criminals.


132 months ago

@williamW Oh No! I feel for you.


132 months ago

Sadly, that was my bike.... Thanks for taking the pictures, I didn't even think about it when I rush to pick it back up.


132 months ago

@scottRC51 Thank you for telling me the neighbour fessed up. There is some decency. Looking at these pics again it's clear someone backed into it.


132 months ago

my neighbour backed into my bike and knocked it over while i was on vacation. he was nice enough to text me to fess up. only damage was a bent clip-on which cost less tan $40 to replace.